Our Code Of Conduct

Our Code Of Conduct

  • Every mother and child will be treated with love and kindness.
  • It is mandatory that daughters are accompanied by moms.
  • Our emphasis is to provide support and encouragement to our young girls without drama by building a solid foundation and developing good character without judging lifestyle/fashion choices.
  • Support each other as moms.
  • All thoughts and opinions will be communicated in dignity and with respect, without confrontation especially at times of varying views or opinions about any given issue.
  • Listen with an open mind and compassionate heart.
  • Stay connected with our daughters.
  • Explore and grow as women and moms.
  • Help our daughters grow up strong and free.
  • Build trust in a noncompetitive environment.
  • Your full commitment and participation is necessary for the success of the group.
  • Full commitment requires making yourself available and on time for our quarterly events during the year, completely reviewing status updates throughout the year, and being fully committed to tasks that you have been assigned.
  • We have 4 planned activities for the year and you are expected to fully participate in at least 2 out of the 4 activities. If this will be an issue, please notify us at the beginning of the year so that we can work out some alternate arrangement.
  • When soliciting potential opportunities using the M&M name, there has to be an internal discussion and consensus. One point of contact will be identified and assigned by the M&M leadership prior to initiating the external outreach. The point of contact might change depending on the topic, program or initiative.
  • Remember, we are all working together to make this a success and that our daughters will be all that God designed them to be.

Moms and Me can do together what one mom alone cannot.

Expectations and Commitment from M&M Girls

  • Active participation during the session of the programs, this is to ensure every girl is carried along in the capacity building.
  • Availability during the session.
  • Every girl deserves to be respected, so communication must be done with respect.
  • True support helps in moving fast, avoid unhealthy competition and rivalry.
  • Cultivate the art of listening with an open mind and compassionate heart.
  • Have a heart to serve, this helps you to become a better Leader.

When one shines, we all shine.